In these webpages we have translated the corresponding pages of the Italian website containing information on the life of GIORGIO LA PIRA, on his writings and speeches, and on the themes of his activity from the spiritual, cultural, and political point of view.
We have also given some information on his beatification process and we have inserted some photos and videos.
You will also find a number of quotations from his letters, from hi articles, and from his speeches. Unfortunately, the full text of these documents is only available on the Italian pages.
We express in advance our gratitude to everyone who will point out errors, will send corrections or will provide us with the translation of other texts.
To get information on the la Fondazione La Pira, please connect to the website

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La Fondazione La Pira è lieta di ringraziare l’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze per il contributo erogato per la realizzazione e per la traduzione di questo sito.