This section is dedicated to the letters written by La Pira and is divided into the following six subsetions:

§  Letters home (mainly of juvenile period and addressed to his uncle, aunt, sister, nieces);

§  Letters to Quasimodo (future Nobel laureate for poetry, close friend of La Pira when they both were in Messina);

§  Letters to Pugliatti (future Rector of the University of Messina, who belongs to the same group of friends);

§  Letters to Carmelites (written in the 30’s to the nuns of the Monastery of St. Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi in Florence);

§  Letters to the cloistered nuns (the circular letters addressed to cloistered monasteries in the 50’s and in the 60’s);

§  Letters to the Popes (Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI).

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